Open Letter to the White House - "Clear Strategy"
I have read the relevant excerpts from last night's speech. In brief, sir, if that's you're idea of a "clear" strategy, I recommend you have a look out your window at the Potomac River. You strategy is about as "clear" as that waterway. The bottom of the river is not at all visible; neither is the bottom of your so-called "thinking" about Iraq.
For openers, your thinking is clouded by a number of falsehoods. Despite the definitive evidence to the contrary, you continue to insist that Saddam Hussein's regime was responsible for the destruction of New York's World Trade Center. Despite daily bombings in Iraq, despite the daily deaths of American soldiers and Iraqi civilians, you continue to insist that operations in Iraq are going well and making progress. Despite the swelling ranks and increasing boldness of the insurgency, you continue to insist that it is freedom rather than terror that is on the march.
Your presentation, too, is clouded by a number of highly misleading, if politically clever, maneuvers. I notice that you gave this speech before a crowd of soldiers, hardly the sort of audience that would challenge even your most grievous errors; as usual, you set yourself up to look good no matter what you say. And it's all very well for you to pretend to weep at the images of horror coming out of Iraq these days, and to declare that these sacrifices are worth it, but your failure to attend even one military funeral brought on by this so-called war on terror casts additional clouds over your presentation last night. We will not believe your protestations of sorrow, Mr. President, until your actions speak at least as loudly as your rhetoric.
This is not the only example of muddy thinking brought on by political gamesmanship in last night's speech. Your contempt for American citizens was about the only clear message you got across, in a number of different ways. Did you think we don't know that Iraq's status as a haven for the Middle East's terrorists is a result of your war, not a cause? Did you think we don't understand that every action step you proposed last night was simply more of what you've been doing right along? Did you think we'd go along with you when you refused to either send more troops or withdraw the ones who are there, as if the ongoing murder of our young men and women was an acceptable state of affairs? When you told us the sacrifices required by this war are worth it and suggested steps we might take, did you think we're unwilling to do anything more than visit some soldier's family? Do you realize, sir, that you're talking to us like we're a bunch of moronic, decadent, spoiled children, exactly what the world's terrorists think we are? Does irony make any impression on you at all?
There's a saying that you would do well to take to heart in these times, which says that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result. Last night you got up in front of a national audience and proceeded to do just that, while asking us to accept you as a model of good sense and intelligence. And then, having displayed your muddy thinking for all the world to see, you have the gall to tell us that "As Iraq stands up, we will stand down," and want us to believe that this is a clear strategy.
Mr. President, if last night's speech made anything clear whatsoever, it is the undeniable fact that you have no brains, no heart and no backbone. Your incompetence unfits you for any public office above the level of traffic cop, much less President of the United States. I want your resignation and I want it now.