Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Not a Good News Day

Okay, one more time - The. Right. Wing. Is. A. Bunch. Of. Hypocrites.

Here, for instance, is a guy who calls himself a conservative. Remember when that used to mean a man who said American power was too centralized? The Presidency had become an imperial office, and Congress ought to act independently? Not anymore - now that there's a right-winger in the White House, being a conservative means being the President's lap dog.

In other news, remember how long Michael Jackson's trial took, and how the media let that circus drool all over the first half-hour of the nightly news? Don't you think this trial was a little more important? Here's a guy who apparently masterminded three horrible Mississippi deaths forty-odd years ago, and the prosecution somehow couldn't convince a group of jurors that he was guilty of anything more than manslaughter. I'm glad he's being put away, oxygen tank and all, but can't we do better than that?

Benshlomo says, Sometimes I just get so depressed.


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