Friday, June 10, 2005

What We Learn from Reality TV

I blush to admit it, but this actually strikes me as a fairly decent idea.

I haven't seen it, and I'm afraid that the producers probably spend a lot of time condescending to both the beauties (some of whom are not really all that beautiful) and the geeks (some of whom look perfectly normal), but I still like the notion of bringing peope together to help each other out. When I was an early-20s hopeless case, back in the Middle Ages, I could have used something like this.

Also interesting is that, when googling this show, I ran across several sites (not the official one above) that obviously copied someone's press release word for word. "They're so far apart socially they're practically different species," they all said, and a number of other cute phrases. In the old days, the publicity mill could have gotten away with this, but in the digital present it's a little too obvious that someone isn't WORKING.

That's the other thing I'm embarrassed to admit - when I realized these publicity sites actually copied text from one another, I was actually shocked. Who knew I was such an innocent at my age?

Benshlomo says, Oh my virgin ears.


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