Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What Kind of Blog This Is

I didn't intend for this to be a political blog, really I didn't - I'm not informed or experienced enough to make a decent pundit, nor conceited enough, nor egotistical enough, etc.

No, whatever this blog was intended to be, exclusively political wasn't it, but what can you do when you read stuff like this?

Dr. Dean is right about one thing - I rather suspect that Republican criticism of him is intended to divert attention from this administration's delusional agenda. As for the Republicans being primarily a white, Christian party, they certainly were once. In this day and age, when the country is so evenly divided between liberal and conservative thought, you can't make generalizations like that about anyone.

I suspect that Dr. Dean actually meant to refer to this presidential administration in his remarks, not to the Republican party at large. Whether that's what he meant or not, it made me think of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld; now there's a white Christian party for you. And yes, that includes Rice and Gonzales.

And it's time for me to write to the Prez again, this time about this debt-reduction plan for Africa that he announced with Tony Blair the other day. After that it's goodbye to politics for a while - the Jewish holiday of Shavuot is coming up soon, when we celebrate the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. That trumps both Doctor Dean and Undoctor Bush every time.

Benshlomo says, I beg your pardon, my priorities are a bit screwed up.


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