Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Clarion Call

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I completely screwed up when it comes to blogging Clarion. I've been reading some of my classmates' postings just now and they all had such touching, funny, startling things to say on their LiveJournals and whatnot. What was I doing those six weeks, sleeping?

Well, yes, occasionally, but mostly I was struggling with getting thoughts on paper in some coherent fashion - which didn't always work. As a matter of fact, my Week 3 story came out so confusing that at least one person declined to say anything at all, and I can't blame him.

And I was preparing for Little Miss' visit over the third weekend and trying not to miss her too terribly when she left. And sitting up till 2 am writing out critiques on a lunchroom table because I couldn't seem to write legibly sitting on one of the comfortable couches in the living room. And pouring coffee down my throat in the morning and beer down my throat at night. And getting in a huge fight with my bank over a dumb-ass mistake that left me overdrawn for about a week and a half.

I even managed to borrow a guitar for the last couple of weeks. Week 6 I didn't play much, but our Week 5 instructor was Patrick Nielsen Hayden, who is not only a skillful and enthusiastic editor, he's also a terrific guitarist. One night he and I sat in the living room and jammed, and gradually people wandered in and listened.

So last Friday night a bunch of people sat around in the TV room posting the worst of their early work on our wiki and trying to guess who wrote what while metal videos screeched at us, and I listened to the paragraphs and correctly guessed the author from time to time, and then it was 3:25 am and the shuttle came to take me to the airport and it was


More later, friends and folks. I'm still processing.

Benshlomo says, See you in the funny papers.


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