Friday, April 20, 2007

A Time to Hush

At one point today I walked into my boss's office and found him monitoring the L.A. City Council meeting on radio. Someone or another mentioned the Holocaust - why, I don't know, but there it is.

Now, today is Adolf Hitler's 128th birthday, interestingly enough. If we had been so unfortunate as to witness a full lifespan for him, he'd be dead by now anyway, despite the predictions of various B-movies.


Far be it from me to suggest that we shouldn't discuss the Holocaust, if for no other reason than to prevent certain despicable liars from getting away with their evil. It happened, folks, and all the wishing in the world by those it hurts or those who want to avoid responsibility won't make it go away.

On the other hand, I cringe every time I hear a politician mention the Holocaust. In fact I'm getting a little tired of hearing about it at all. There's an unfortunate tendency on the part of so many people to use the Holocaust to produce some result, and that strikes me as vulgar if not downright blasphemous. I gather that Wittgenstein said "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
If it weren't for the fact that some won't face facts, I'd suggest that very remedy, and the sooner the better.

Benshlomo says, You can't say anything sensible about some things, folks, so shut up already.


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