Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Villains and Thieves

Let's see now. Over the last couple of days...

Ken Lay and Jeff Skillings began their trial for fraud and whatnot in the Enron matter. Remember that these are the guys who, according to their own chief accountant, announced rosy earnings when they knew perfectly well that their company was in the tank. They thereby cleaned out their employees' pension fund and God knows what else.

Sam Alito took the oath of office as the newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. This guy got a total pass from the Senate, despite endless unanswered questions about his evident totalitarian ideas, starting with his membership in an alumni organization that advocated barring minority enrollment at Princeton as much as possible. Now we've got a court that's liable to give the government more power to tap our phones, read our emails, and throw us in the slammer than any genuine democracy ever dreamed of.

And George W. "Prez" Bush delivered a State of the Union address containing absolutely nothing we haven't heard before. Even his announcement that the U.S. is addicted to foreign oil first emerged no later than the Jimmy Carter administration thirty years ago, and you know that back then the Bush family wanted nothing to do with alternative energy sources.

And to top it all off, he began his remarks with a tribute to Coretta Scott King, who worked all her life (as, of course, did her late husband) advocating an idea of the United States that most certainly turns George W.'s stomach in his private moments.

Benshlomo says, Skin 'em.


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