Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It's 1967 in Gaza

I was afraid of this.

I still think the Gaza pullout was a politically astute move, and maybe a morally upright one, but we are after all dealing with Hamas. They're so amazingly predictable. They, and various other bodies dedicated to the so-called "liberation" of Israeli territory, have one tactical maneuver and one only; increase the violence.

Thus Israel, in a bold and risky move, evacuates all Jewish settlers from Gaza in the hope for at least a cease fire. A few weeks go by, and Hamas starts lobbing Qassam rockets into Israel proper from its new positions in Gaza. Surprise!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why Israel took the Gaza territory in the first place. Arab forces used to use those positions to fire at Israel, and they're doing the same thing. And as Rita Mae Brown (I think) told us, insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. The last time Arab forces showed this kind of behavior, they lost territory. They're doing it now expecting to gain territory. All together now: huh?

But that's not the most depressing part, of course. The most depressing part is that suckers all over the world are sure to take note of Hamas' unprovoked violence and shout "Go, Hamas!" Then they'll take note of Israel's retaliatory airstrikes, in which no one (thank God) has yet been hurt, and shout "Israel must be destroyed!" All together now: huh?

On second thought, don't bother to explain. I've been hearing that kind of lunacy since the Middle Ages and I've heard enough.

Benshlomo says, There's nothing more boring than an ideologue with no ideas.


Blogger W.B. Picklesworth said...

I've never quite understood why the world holds such antipathy towards Israel. Whatever happened to rooting for the underdog?

On the positive side, by withdrawing Israel has simplified matters for the IDF and they can target Palestinian aggression without without having to defend the settlements.

That said, I still don't like the withdrawal.

5:50 PM  
Blogger benshlomo said...

Fair enough. I notice that we can disagree about Israeli or Jewish activities, even in anger, without killing each other. Interesting, is it not?

As for why the world has such antipathy towards Israel, it's a good question. For one rather compelling answer, I might suggest "Why the Jews?" by Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin.

Happy New Year.

3:21 PM  

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