Friday, September 16, 2005

Open Letter to the White House - Four Years of Nothing

Dear Mr. President:

Let's see...

Last month, the United States suffered through the worst natural disaster in close to 80 years or more. Government on all levels stood by for days and did nothing. Indeed, your administration worsened the catastrophe by deliberately ignoring clear warnings, and by a series of funding cuts and appointments derived from pure spoilsmanship.

After unpardonable delays, you gave some lip service to the government's responsibility to its citizens, but your party has wasted no time in turning aside any attempt to find those responsible for this idiocy. Indeed, your party has labeled those attempts "playing the blame game," and refused to allow any independent investigation whatsoever.

Now, in one of your usual speeches - heavy on drama, light on content - you struggle to convince us once again that our greatest concern is nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. You advocate, apparently seriously, another round of spending and tax cuts while insisting that we have enough money to clean up the mess. Someone in your administration awarded a lucrative no-bid contract to your Vice President's former company to do the job. You have placed, not a person experienced in environmental clean-up or rebuilding, but your chief political advisor - a man who recently all but accused half the country of treason and very likely revealed the identity of an undercover American intelligence officer for political gain - at the head of rebuilding efforts.

All of this is insanity, pure and simple, which would be bad enough in the nation's highest offices. What makes it worse is my memory of events following the destruction of the World Trade Center.

It was the worst military disaster this country had faced in 60-odd years. Your administration had worsened it by deliberately ignoring clear warnings of its approach (including, we now learn, an order from your administration for the destruction of records regarding a leading terrorist). After unpardonable delays, including your administration's refusal to provide any independent investigation, you prepared an attack on a foreign nation based on the threat of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. With an expensive war going on, you tried to cut taxes while spending outrageous amounts on things like a no-bid contract for postwar construction to your Vice President's former company. Any attempt at discussion or responsibility you met with accusations of anti-Americanism, often delivered by your chief political advisor.

It's been four years since our safety and confidence disappeared under the wreckage of the World Trade Center, and nothing whatsoever has changed. You are worse than useless.

Go home, George.


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