Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Red White and Blue Traitors

Karl Rove, the shmoo (come on, compare the pictures yourself), may have stepped over the line for the last time. Please God.

The greasy blob of blubber, if Time Magazine's records are accurate, revealed to conservative columnist Robert Novak the identity of a CIA undercover operative because her husband wrote a column contradicting, by his own eyewitness experience, the Bush administration's claim that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy bomb-quality uranium in Niger.

Now, boys and girls, let's go over this very carefully (not that every other blogger in space isn't doing the same thing).

The Bush administration, in a fever of patriotic fervor (and a partridge in a pear tree), says "We've got to go to war! Saddam Hussein is building nuclear bombs! He tried to buy uranium in Africa!".

Joe Wilson, a career diplomat and the man sent to Africa to confirm this assertion, says "No he didn't!".

Through Robert Novak, the Bush administration says "Oh yeah? Well, your wife is a CIA spy!"

Certain federal prosecutors say "Hey, wait a minute! Saying that in wartime is treason! Who gave you that information?"

Novak says, "Someone in the White House."

Time, Inc. says "We don't want our reporters to sit in jail, so here are some documents that will tell you who the White House source was."

And who was the traitorous fiend within the patriotic Bush administration who did all this? Three guesses, children.

That's a long story, so here's the short version: The Bush administration, and Karl Rove, claimed and still claims a monopoly on patriotism. To express their patriotism, their love of country and their dedication to democratic ideals, they lie about their reasons for taking the country they love into war. To protect the United States, the nation whose very existence makes them swell with pride and admiration, they reveal to the world the name of a member of the nation's intelligence-gathering group in the course of attacking a man who tried to stop them from making a serious mistake.

Do you detect a note of sarcasm? You bet you do. These maggots (including George W. Bush, who has his hand up the anus of every White House official) hid behind the flag while doing nothing more than protecting their own asses.

And not only do they have the nerve to call themselves Americans, they spit on anyone who disagrees with them. If this was what genuine Americanism really looked like, this nation would have disintegrated long ago.

The frightening part is that with these men in power, the country might disintegrate yet.

Benshlomo says, The more they wave the flag at me, the more I smell the crap.


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