Friday, February 17, 2006

Blaming the Victim

Oh my God.

Harry Whittington, the man Dick Cheney shot last weekend, has apologized, apparently for getting in the way of the VP's gun. He's sorry for everything the VP and his family have had to go through on account of his carelessness.

Do you understand this? Mr. Whittington got a face full of buckshot, and he's apologizing. Yeah, poor Dick Cheney.

John Kerry is a hunting enthusiast, too. Can you imagine what the Republican reaction would be if he got careless and shot someone by accident? Do you think for one minute that the "President" would be satisfied with anything short of flaying him alive? (Notice, by the way, that Senator Kerry's hunting partner is still on two feet.)

Oh well, at least this incident demonstrates in the clearest possible fashion where Republican sympathies lie; with those in power, always always always.

Benshlomo says, Sometimes victims are actually victims.


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