Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lynched Leo

Ninety years ago today, Leo Frank was lynched after being convicted on false evidence of raping and murdering Mary Phagan.

In addition to costing Frank his life, this incident cost the governor of Georgia his career, since the man looked at the evidence and commuted Frank's sentence. It didn't help.

The incident also led in various ways to both the rejuvenation of the Ku Klux Klan and the founding of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

And why was this unassuming, actually somewhat boring young man pursued so viciously? Because he was a Jew, of course.

And people wonder why Jews get so nervous when conservative preachers insist that the United States is a Christian country. Ninety years is not all that long ago, people, and we have seen what can happen to us in Christian countries.

Yes, these days Islam is a greater danger to us than Christianity is. We don't forget that. We're a 3,500-year-old people and we have long memories. That's why we remember people like Leo Frank.

But we're fast learners and we now know what happens to us when we try to meekly accept our fates in the hope that the pain will soon end. So anyone who tries to lynch us now is in for a big surprise. Kindly govern yourselves accordingly.

Benshlomo says, The meek shall inherit the earth, but they're liable to get less meek beforehand.


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