Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hollow Woman

I can't quite believe I'm posting on this issue, but there's something about it that just gnaws at me.

Paris Hilton has apparently thrown over her baby, the chihuahua Tinkerbell. The dog has been replaced with a smaller one. PETA is about ready to bust a gut.

Now, we really don't care about Paris Hilton or Tinkerbell or anything remotely connected with either one, do we? What irks me is this: It wasn't so very long ago, was it, that Paris was calling Tinkerbell the love of her life? It's not just the dumping of the dog that galls, it's the suddenness of it. This person is so disconnected from reality that it doesn't even seem to occur to her how empty she is.

She's one of those people of whom a professor of mine once said, "They don't do anything, they're celebrities." That about sums it up. Paris Hilton, as a public figure at any rate, is a useless person in a useless environment, and the fact that we who live in the real world even know her name (let alone her damn dog's name) is just pathetic. And that includes me for mentioning her here. Even cotton candy, a useless object, is tasty - reportage on Paris Hilton and people like her has no value at all.

Benshlomo says, Empty calories is one thing, but negative calories?


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