Wednesday, April 06, 2005

If the Seed Fits...

The New York Times has revealed that Tom DeLay's wife and daughter were paid about $500,000 in taxpayer money over the last several years for doing God knows what. The Washington Post has revealed that DeLay received reimbursement for travel to various places from registered lobbyists and/or foreign agents, an illegal act. What is that by now, strike five and six or more?

DeLay has spent his career advancing his own wealth and power regardless of law or ethics and he's now going down in smoke and flames, and I for one feel a spurt of evil glee from the Dark Side of my soul. Yet the man has enough breath left to denounce the reports of his illegal activities as seedy.

Well, of course the reports are seedy, Tom. They deal with your seedy activities. I suppose you expected the red carpet and gold leaf treatment. Who do you think you are, a dead pope?

Benshlomo says, A cornered rat will bite anything, so watch it.


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