Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Who Gets into the World to Come?

I just received this dispatch from MEMRI, and it's worth a response.

This isn't the place to discuss the Sheikh's entire interview, nor his own office's denial (wow). What brought me up short was this statement:

Al-Qaradhawi further claimed that Christianity and Judaism, like Islam, maintain that members of other religions will not enter Paradise. But Islam places certain conditions upon this fate of non-Muslims...

Needless to say, I do not speak for Christianity. Parts of the Christian Bible lend credence to what the Sheikh said; on the other hand I've heard rumors that some Christian leaders allow for the possibility of non-Christians entering Heaven.

I do, however, know something about Jewish belief, and the Talmud clearly states that the righteous of all nations have a share in the World to Come. That's precisely what the Seven Laws of Noah are for - check them out.

Clearly, I am ignorant of Islam, though I hope to remedy that circumstance with the help of the MP. Equally clearly, the Sheikh is ignorant of Judaism. And if he is ignorant of Judaism, what can we expect from lay Muslims?

Benshlomo says, Know your enemy, and maybe you'll make a friend.


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